Mon Jan 2, 2006

So sick. Can’t talk.

I really thought I’d have some knitting to show today, but I don’t. I got horribly, terribly, awful sick yesterday morning, and it lasted 24 hours. I’m feeling human again now, but weak and sore. I felt like I was going to die yesterday.

Plus, since I could only lie in bed, and since being this far along in pregnancy I only have two laying options (pick a side), my back is killing me.

Today isn’t going to be a picnic either.

Happy New Year.

6 Responses to “So sick. Can’t talk.”

  1. Kathy Says:

    Hope you feel better! I recall those days being sick during pregnancy when finding a comfortable position was tough. Take care.

  2. Jenn Says:

    Hope you feel better!

  3. Sheryl Says:

    sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. Not the best way to ring in 2006. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. Kirsten Says:

    Feel better soon!! And I bet the kiddos are just about over it…….Take care.

  5. Jennifer Says:

    I hope you feel better soon! That’s the worst, especially when pregnant.

  6. yuvee Says:

    Hope you get well soon, Laura!
    And I wish you a great year ahead with a superhero baby 😉

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