Sat Jan 28, 2006

Health Group- Year 2, week 34

Good afternoon. My tummy is bothering me today, and I don’t know why. But it sucks.

I’ve been very active this week, packing and moving things around. I’ve been working on drinking more fluids, and I’m trying to eat relatively well.

This doesn’t mean I haven’t succumbed to stress-induced ice cream fests, with all the house buying stuff going on, but on the whole, I’m pretty happy with how it’s going.

I didn’t weight myself this morning, so I don’t have an update there, but it isn’t critical right now either. I can tell the baby is growing, so I’m sure I’ll be putting on some pounds at some point.

Sleeping sucks. I’m not getting a lot.

How are you?

One Response to “Health Group- Year 2, week 34”

  1. FYRKRKR Says:

    I don?t have access to a scale to get any figures, but the jeans are definitely looser. I spent last weekend in San Francisco with friends doing a ton of walking and we ate really well most of the time. I was the only one not to order dessert at dinner, so had a few bites of all 3, which was great, but not too much of any of the sweets?although the Ghirardelli Square was fun and I did the Ice Cream Sundae there! Had too! Also got some chocolates, but sent most of them home to Seattle with a friend as I am now in Sacramento and don?t need all that divine temptation. My hotel as of yesterday has treadmill, bike, elliptical and swimming/spa, which I got up at 6 AM to use – that was a cold outdoor pool in the rain, but it was actually very stimulating and the hot tub was awesome after doing laps. Who would have thought I?d ever get up before dawn to swim in the rain in January???

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