Mon Jan 30, 2006

Oh! The Rain!

You know, and I’ve said this before, it really bugs me that I can’t just settle in and enjoy the rain. I get all cozy in massive amounts of rain, normally, but since the roof started leaking a couple years ago, I stopped being able to enjoy it. Now, the rain just means delays in doing what needs to be done to sell our house. Like, replacing the roof. Touch up painting outside. Backyard cleanup.

We are getting tons and tons and tons of rain.

And my week is going to be spent calling, arranging, and meeting a zillion contractors both for our current house, and the new one.

On the new house, the sellers don’t want to deal with all the stuff that came up in the inspection, so they offered a dollar amount. Now I get to deal with the contractors, to get a bunch of bids, to see if the dollar amount offered will come close to doing the important things.

And I’m getting a sinus infection.

Also, I have my baby doctor appointment a week from Wednesday, at which point I start going in every two weeks.


Moving on… guess what we did on Saturday?


Recognize him? Here’s another clue…


This ought to give it away…


We went to the Children’s Museum for a special breakfast and preview of the Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood exhibit that opened this weekend. We had no idea that Mr. McFeely would be there. He’s a very nice man. The girls had a great time.


And, I got another picture of the VCC! I’ve been wearing it a ton, and I still love it.


10 Responses to “Oh! The Rain!”

  1. Katie Says:

    Oh, wow, good luck with all that! Yikes! I can’t wait to go see that exhibit with the kids. My friend has a membership so I’m waiting for her to invite us again. 🙂 I’m still working on the left front of the cardigan – I had to rip back some of it because I messed up somewhere on the chart. Arghhh…. I’m so glad I figured out the pocket thing though.

  2. Hayden Says:

    I thought that was the set from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE that show. Esp the part where he’d come in, change his shoes and sweater…it always made me laugh. Good luck with all of the new/old house stuff; I hope it all works out for you guys! And the VCC rocks!

  3. jen Says:

    I just told my husband we have to go to Seattle again to see that exhibit. His response? “I think that’s more for *you*, honey.”

  4. Jenny Says:

    Sooooooo……, since you got to meet Mr. McFeeley, uh, does that mean you will now be blessed with a “Speedy Delivery”????
    When we bought our house, we had the same deal, we just got a dollar amount from the owners, and had to do all the dealing with the repairs. And of course, they only gave us a few drops in the bucket, as it turned out., and that was because our house inspection really didn’t mean anything!! We paid for the darn thing, but it wasn’t anything to negotiate with! The “inspector’ was very vague about everything.
    Your VCC is lovely!
    My sympathies on the sinus troubles….I’ve had sinus troubles since the end of November! I am oh so tired of clearing my throat, ahem ahem ahem!
    Mr. Rogers was from MY neighborhood!

  5. Karen Says:

    You got to meet Mr McFeely! That’s so cool! You met a cultural icon.

    Hope you feel better soon. Good luck with the contractors and house issues.

    Love the pictures. Is that ‘the’ porch swing?

  6. Karma Says:

    Oh! I adore Mr. McFeely! How fun. You look fantastic in VCC. And I’m right there with you with the rain. For me, it just gets OLD by this time of winter. I’m ready for spring now and we still have a good month or so of yucky gray. Plus, you do have about 5 zillion things going on… take it easy.

  7. Jenn Says:

    Hope you feel better! Love the VCC! It looks so good on you!

  8. Blair Says:

    Only recently started reading your blog, but I love it and I had to commiserate with you on the rain. As a fellow Seattle resident, my kids are climbing the walls!

    We’re going to have to get over the children’s museum to check out the Mr. Rogers exhibit, that looks fun!

  9. Amy Lu Says:

    Mr McFeely is living history! What luck to be there the same day he was!

    I hope everything works out with the house!

  10. ann Says:

    how wonderful!! I adored that show and always wished I had a magic train set running through my living room …..

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