Thu Feb 9, 2006

The roof is done!


Now, we’re just waiting for the bathrooms and kitchen floor to be finished.


But it’s getting better! I think the toilet will make it out of the bathtub today in this bathroom, and then we start on the 2nd bathroom which shouldn’t be nearly as bad.

The kitchen comes next, but there aren’t any toilets involved there.

We’re having a (hopefully) big clean up/moving work party on Saturday, that Nate hasn’t informed anyone about yet. I hope we get helpers. We’re having one of those enormous dumpsters delivered today, and the dumb gray couch in the family room, that I’ve always hated, is going in first. Now that it’s lost its spring, it no longer serves a purpose and can go away guilt free.

Tuesday night, I had my first baby shower of the season. The moms in Olivia’s class at school threw a shower for me and another mom expecting a boy around the same time, who happens to be a friend also.


I now have significantly more little sleepers! This is a good thing. I now have a diaper bag as well. Also good. And I have to say, having never been to a “double” shower before, it was tremendously fun. Betsy and I both sat on the red, suede couch, opening our matching presents. I can’t exactly articulate why, but it was so much more fun than doing it alone.

3 Responses to “The roof is done!”

  1. Connie Says:

    Could it be that the idea of being the center of attention is more attractive than actually being the center of attention?

  2. Monique Says:

    I have to agree with Connie.

    And Wow, things are getting done fast. My dad had redone my parents bathroom years ago, and it was like that for over a year…..he was lazy. 😉

  3. Hayden Says:

    Yay!!! The roof is done, and it’s still Sunny!! Good luck with the floors, I hope they get done quickly too. Sounds like this is all working well for your family.

    Show us pics of the loot! Please? I like loot!

    Is that a hint? Because I do have plans on Saturday, but I could help in the afternoon or something. I could…

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