Fri Feb 10, 2006

Thoughtful husband

Nate bought me a present. Some of my shoes require a shoe horn to get into, and as it’s getting more and more difficult to reach my feet…



Check that thing out!!! I can put on my shoes while standing up, hardly bending over at all!

Nate’s so cool.

3 Responses to “Thoughtful husband”

  1. Jenn Says:

    Awww…that’s so sweet!

  2. Amy Says:

    At first glance, it looks like the sweat scrappers we used on the horses at ridding camp! I think I’ve seen a shoe horn about that size in a box of things my husband had before we got married, but I thought it was a sweat scrapper, but he never mentioned spending much time around horses. I feel a mixture of relief and DUH right now!

  3. Barbara Says:

    How sweet of him. I would just make my husband put on and tie my shoes when i was pregnant. lol Best of luck Barbara

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