Fri Feb 17, 2006


Well, this bodes well. Our house went on the market Wednesday afternoon, but the listing states that we aren’t available for walk-throughs until the open house on Saturday. Yesterday, we had three or four realtors call and ask to bring buyers through, to which we had to say no. But one lady actually begged Nate to let her come anyway. To which he still had to say no. She asked three or four times.

Then, a realtor called our realtor and said that her clients had driven by our house, and wanted to place an offer before the Saturday open house.

What? Crazyness.

I think the outside of our house is what might drive people away with the busy street lining our backyard, and the neighbor’s RV in the front.


I had to stand very strategically to avoid both of those things when I took the photo for the listing.

The inside is what’s gorgeous, and is what people like when they come over.

We haven’t seen this alleged offer yet, but the fact that there’s this much interest already is very encouraging.

Best of all, at this very moment, there is someone that is NOT ME wiping all of the dust and lint out of my laundry room. Hehe.

You’re jealous, I know it.

8 Responses to “Harrassment”

  1. Jennifer Says:

    Yay! I hope this means you can sell quickly and for more than you’re asking!

  2. Kathy Says:

    buckle your seat belt!
    i’m not jealous, i’m not jealous, i’m not jealous

  3. Katie Says:

    I AM jealous. I so wish I could have someone come over and clean my house. It’s so dirty and all I want to do is lie down and go to sleep! I told you your house would have no problem selling. That area is in such high demand right now that people are wanting to put in offers in before they even see the place!

  4. Lisa D. Says:

    Ooo – that is so exciting! I hope you get a great offer on your house!

  5. Megan Says:

    thats fantastic! i hope your house sells quickly.

    it looks like we’ll also be moving here in the next couple of months–down to georgia. it will be hectic packing and moving before the baby is born in july but it will be worth it!

  6. Ginger Says:

    It’s Saturday night and I hope the open house went well and you have lots of offers that you are looking over right now. *sending good offer vibes your way*

  7. Dani Says:

    Heck yeah, I’m jealous! I spent four hours today cleaning and prodding my kids to clean for guests that didn’t show up. My plans for tomorrow do not include anything that could be considered productive. I hope your open house went well.

  8. Amy Lu Says:

    Ooooo, good luck on the offers! I’m sure the realators will take advantage of the frenzy and get everyone worked up!

    Let the Bidding Wars begin!

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