Mon Feb 20, 2006

I missed a post. The first in almost 2 years.

The observant among you will notice that I didn’t post Health Group on Saturday. Sorry. I thought about it a number of times, but never when I was around a computer. We were out of the house most of the day on Saturday anyway, so I didn’t have much opportunity. If any of you want to post your Health Group update here, feel free.

As for the house, we have one offer in. I haven’t seen it. Another is expected today, and there are more appointments to see the house this morning. We are officially reviewing offers tonight, so I’m hoping we’ll have some good news tomorrow.

I’m still incredibly tired, and I’m looking forward to getting the house locked up so I don’t have to keep it in show condition and be ready to leave at a moment’s notice if a realtor calls or shows up. The girls are out of school this week, and I’d love to spend a day in bed, letting the girls watch movies. I think they could use a down day as much as I could.

On Friday night, we went to a local nursery to get seed packets so I can plant Forget Me Nots at our new house when the time comes. They have been one of my favorite flowers since I was little, where they grew around the base of the large trees in the backyard and forest behind our house.

I’ve never had the right place for them in this house, but there is a lot of natural, forested-type area behind the new house, and around the koi pond where I think they’d look lovely.


While at the nursery, I perused the bulbs for other things I’ve always wanted to plant, like those big, fragrant lilies, and Lily of the Valley, another of my favorites. What I wasn’t expecting to see was Trillium, which also grew wild in the forest behind my house as a kid.

I was giddy. I had no idea it could be bought at a store, and in the new house, I’ll have a great place for it.

So that was my little excitement for the weekend.

5 Responses to “I missed a post. The first in almost 2 years.”

  1. Cathy Says:

    It sounds like things are moving along nicely on the houses – I will keep my fingers crossed that your house sells quickly and you can get some much needed rest. Enjoy the week with your girls, I plan on doing the same 🙂

  2. Dani Says:

    I totally understand why you missed your Health Group post–you’ve been busy nesting :-).

    I’m not losing any weight. It got me down last week but I am trying not to worry about it today. This is the beginning of my third week focusing on exercise. I’ve been trying different exercise routines to find something that I can do for more than 10 minutes at a time.

  3. Carrie Says:

    Beware of Lily of the Valley, they spread like crazy, choke everything out around them and they’re quite hard to get rid of. I may be speaking from experience…

    Good luck with the house selling and enjoy your week!!

  4. Wryly Says:

    Good luck with the offers! Yur new place sound gorgeous.

    The Trillium is also the provincial flower for Ontario. It is against the law to pick them. In grade 4 the school I went to had a little pond and woodsy area out back that had a lot of those flowers there. Quite nice.

  5. Katie Says:

    That pond is soooo cool! Have you received more offers yet on your current house? I’m so random about when I post, so I can’t blame you for missing one. It’s not like you weren’t busy or anything. 🙂

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