Wed Mar 15, 2006

Goodbye my boy



It went very well yesterday morning. I spent an hour and a half visiting with Pat and Roger in their home and acquainting them with Abner, who as it turned out, got on perfectly well with their dog. No incidents. He warmed up quickly to the new surroundings, and looked very happy. By the time I left, I didn’t see any signs of stress in him at all, and he spent more time soliciting Roger for rubs and loves than he did me. They have a very big yard to play in, and he has a friend.

Best of all, I feel at peace.


(This is what he thought of being shuffled into a pose for a group picture).

I miss him. But I was so happy with his new situation, that it wasn’t until I came home that I shed a tear. When Nate showed me this.


Veronica, my 4 year old, drew this while we were gone. I can’t look at it without crying.

In a way, I suppose I am grateful to have gotten that very rude, anonymous comment. It was the catalyst for the chain of events that led to very quickly finding Abner a good home.

It’s amazing to me how I can feel so happy, and so sad at the same time.

I’m glad we’re moving soon. In the new house, I won’t be half-consciously looking for him in his usual spots like I am now, only to be constantly reminded that he’s not there.

15 Responses to “Goodbye my boy”

  1. Janell Says:

    Did you get visitation rights? I hope that you opted for an “open adoption” just to see how he’s doing every now and then. I’m sure he’d like to know you and the girls are doing ok too.

  2. Laura Says:

    Yes, we have an open invitation. :-).

  3. Heidi Says:

    Good job Laura! I am shedding a little tear with/for you. Wonderful job taking responsibility for a pet!! Good luck with all your future plans! Hopefully we will be able to get you to come up and visit us with a new baby after you have settled!

    ~heidi & the girls

  4. Suzette Says:

    A little tear here too. It’s nice to know that Abner’s got a good home and a new playmate.

  5. hayden Says:

    Bye Abner!!
    I’m glad you were able to find him a good home Laura, really glad. And it’s nice that you can visit him too.

    How’s the move going? I really really really hope it all goes super smoothly for you!

    And that you don’t get sick or naseua (can’t spell that word!) or anything.

    Good luck with the appointments and the Church event, and the blanket looks GREAT! and so does the pic that V drew and …. I like the hats.

  6. Jenny Says:

    Looks like a wonderful solution, Laura!
    Abner’s new woofmate looks like a sweetie, too.
    So, uh, is Nate gonna be the one who updates us on the upcoming big event, so we have front row seats????

  7. april Says:

    I couldn’t help getting alittle teary eyed when reading your post. It sure is hard to give up a friend.

  8. Heather Says:

    It sounds like Abner has found a good home to go to and a new friend. I can’t imagine how hard this had to be for you and your family.

  9. Katie Says:

    That drawing is precious!

  10. Carla Rey Says:

    So glad to see that Abner got a good home. It’s always tough to have to make that kind of decision, but it’s best for him and for your little ones. It’s been my experience that the perfect dog always seems to find me when there’s a canine hole in my life.

  11. Kathy Says:

    Nice job, Friend. He will be happy and you will be less stressed. *win-win* Love hurts:(

  12. Scout Says:

    Oh that picture!

  13. Tori Says:

    You are so wonderful! I went back and read the original post and the negative comment. I used to volunteer a LOT of my time with animal rescue. There are so many things that are uncontrollable as far as the temprement, personality of a dog. You named a few or your specific situation, but not all retrievers are calm. I have a choco lab who is calm laid back and wonderful at 2 yrs, but her older sister is totally wacko and fortunately in a home with two adults without young children who love her. If I had ended up with her we would have had to make a very hard decision with a preschooler running around. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for giving Abner the wonderful home you did and finding him a new suitable home when you needed too. That must have been SO hard but you did the right think by Abner AND your family. Take care! Tori

  14. krista Says:

    Bittersweet ambivalence…. ah.

    Good luck with everything.

  15. Kerry Says:

    I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how wonderfully responsible I think you are. You managed to find a great home for Abner which will allow you to provide for the safety of your family. You definitely have your priorities in order and are doing an awesome job. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 🙂

    I wish you a wonderfully safe and uneventful labor and delivery as well as a beautfiul healthy baby boy!

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