Thu Mar 16, 2006

No mon, no fun

One of my sisters-in-law says that all the time. Her husband has recently graduated from law school, he’s in estate planning, and they’ve been “starving students” for a long time. Fortunately for them, he’s now graduated and building his career.

But I know what she means.

The money I was expecting to receive and play with this week isn’t available yet, so we’re not baby shopping OR furniture buying today. I’m bummed.

So I need to find other things to distract me. We’re signing papers on both the sale of our old house, and buying the new house, in 20 minutes or so, so that’s something. Plus, through the generosity of friends, we’ve scored a bunch more boxes for packing. That’s going to be my day.

As for the doctor appointment yesterday, I’m dilated to 2, 50 % effaced, and there’s no sign of a mucus plug anywhere. I asked him if I can continue to make the most of my Braxton Hicks by walking around, squatting, doing pelvic tilts, etc. or should I be laying down to make them stop. He said that depends on whether or not I want to go into labor that day.


So I have to restrain myself until I move, and hope nothing happens.

I’m contracting a lot when I’m vertical.


Veronica painted her toenails yesterday. It was way cute.

I am now late, gotta go.

3 Responses to “No mon, no fun”

  1. Maggie Says:

    So any day now, huh? Hope you can hold off until after the move! And congratulations on finding a new place for your dog. He’s gorgeous, and so is his new friend.

  2. hayden Says:


  3. yvette Says:

    Veronica is so cute, hope you hang on till your move is finished, good luck.

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