Fri Apr 14, 2006

Fantastic Easter suggestions!

Thank you all so much!

Also, I’ve been meaning to show you the cutest diaper bag that my mom had made for Clark.


She asked Keri to make a Superman bag, and that’s what we got! I love it.

To answer Mia’s question from yesterday…

All of my babies so far have slept in our bed with no problems. I was worried about Clark, mainly because Nate has been really tired and sleeping heavier and I didn’t want him to roll over onto the baby. (He’s older now than he was the last time we did this). That’s why I’ve been sleeping semi-propped on the couch downstairs until recently. I moved to the bed a few nights ago because my neck and back are killing me, and I find that if I keep Clark right close to me, he’s fine.

Usually, my babies are only in our bed for a little while, although I can’t remember exactly how long, and then they spend the next several months sleeping in the battery powered swing.

The swing is TOTALLY where it’s at! And has saved me from sleep deprivation each new baby!

8 Responses to “Fantastic Easter suggestions!”

  1. Merrill Says:

    How cute! That is just too cool. Hooray for co-sleeping! My philo is sleep however and whenever you need to to be sane, esp in those first few weeks. My 4 mos old and I slept on MIL’s couch for the first month, so I hear ya on the neck and back pain.

    Clark is just too adorable! Looks just like you! You need some small glasses and a braided wig….rofl.

  2. Jennifer Says:

    What an awesome diaper bag!

  3. Jenny Says:

    That bag is just too great!
    All of my kids slept with us. I wouldn’t have done it any other way, but I often felt like a pretzel in the morning!
    Happy Easter, Laura!

  4. Karma Says:

    *Love* the new diaper bag! How cool is that? And keep those mommy tips a-coming. I’m making mental notes. 🙂

  5. jen Says:

    that is, by far, the coolest diaper bag I have *ever* seen. WAY hipper than anything available in-store. Go Keri!

  6. Jennifer Says:

    I actually never worried about co-sleeping until a couple I knew.. a young couple.. he being only 19 and she only 20 had a precious baby boy.. the baby was a few months old about 4 months or so when grandma took the baby to bed and you guessed it.. rolled over on him and he sufficated. She is now in a mental institution trying to deal with it and the poor young couple are split up. Of course we never think that something like that could even happen to us until it happens to someone you know and becomes close to home. By the way.. Clark is a cutie!

  7. Monique Says:

    There is no way we would have survived without the swing. Both my boys slept in the swing until they got to big for it!

    I love all the pictures of the kids, keep posting them.

  8. Jessica Says:

    is it possible for her to make me one of the diaper bags

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