Mon Apr 17, 2006

Aaah! Just let me POST already!

What keeps me from posting? Well, Nate is working from home most days now, which severely limits my computer access. Because of the new working situation, Nate bought a laptop to take back and forth with him when he goes into the office, and I will get the computer he used to have at the office, which is a nice Mac Mini.

We are waiting for our carpenter friend to build what will be a gorgeous, wooden breakfast bar in the eating nook off of the kitchen and living room before we set my computer up, because that is where it will be.

So I am practically computer-less for the time being.

And then there’s the other reason I have difficulty posting.


(He’s 2 weeks old now. I can’t believe it).

I SWEAR he slept almost all day. But whenever Nate left the computer, giving me an opportunity to post…



He’d wake up positively STARVING.


But we love him anyway.

11 Responses to “Aaah! Just let me POST already!”

  1. Janell Says:

    Ok, that last pic- looks like Nate. I see it now.

    ‘member- baby comes first. Blogging comes like, 30,000th.

    Post when you feel like it…take care of yourself and your babe.

  2. Jan Says:

    Oh my…does he look like Nate (and Veronica) or what?

    Laura, you have such a beautiful family and now an amazing house…what an amazing year you have had so far!

    God Bless all five of you!

  3. Jan Says:

    Correction…all SIX of you. Good grief, to think that people trusted me to educate their children and I can’t count to six?

    What do you expect, I have four children myself. I lost my last functionint brain cell when the last was born, in 1988!


  4. Jenn Says:

    Awww…What a handsome little thing he is!

  5. Nicole Says:

    He is such a doll!! Makes me anxious for the next 14 weeks to go by, so I can hold my baby boy! 🙂 I can’t believe 2 weeks has gone by either! Enjoy each day!

  6. Sheryl Says:

    He is too cute!

  7. Jenny Says:

    I LOVE little baby gummies!!

  8. Sue Says:

    What a gorgeous boy. I love the smile in the last picture. How cute. It does go by so fast, the more you have the faster it goes I think.

  9. susan Says:

    He is so gorgeous, I can almost hear that cry. Love your blog, thanks for the baby pics, my youngest is 4 sometimes I miss those baby days.

  10. Corrina Says:

    Woman! Are you trying to make knitters all over blogland go get pregnant? He is so delicious.

  11. EDNA HART Says:

    OK–the last photo makes life worthwhile–just seeing this warms my heart. Edna

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