Wed Apr 19, 2006

Stupid bandwidth

As I’m sure many of you know, my site was down most of yesterday because I had exceeded my bandwidth allotment. This happens on a semi-regular basis, and although we keep upping my bandwidth and checking our usage, it happens still. Then when we DO up it again, it takes several hours to come back online.


So here I am, back again.

Yesterday was Olivia’s 7th birthday. Everyone in the house was happy to see the big day finally arrive. Liv was happy because she’s been looking forward to it since Christmas, and the rest of us are thrilled it’s over, because we’ve been hearing about it since Christmas.

That girl is persistent. More so than anyone I know.


We all made the trek to the school cafeteria to help her celebrate.


Nate brought the flowers, I brought the baby for his first public school appearance… and cookies.

I’ll just say that a nice, big kitchen with ample counter space is every bit as wonderful, if not more so, than I thought it would be. Liv wanted to make gingerbread cookies to take to school on her birthday. The girls and I made up the dough. I rolled it into balls which were then passed down the counter to one of the girls who each had their own bowl of sugar to coat the cookie in before putting it on a baking sheet.

It worked out so well, and went much faster than it used to, when there was room for only ME in the kitchen.

Veronica helped me make pretzel dogs for dinner one night, Olivia helped with dinner rolls on Easter, and all three of them helped with Liv’s birthday cookies.

It’s great. I love it.

For her birthday, Liv wanted piano lessons. My mother-in-law gave/lent us her electronic keyboard, and yesterday, Veronica and I went to Guitar Center to buy her a stand and seat to go with it.

What a cool store that is! If I were a musician, I think I would live there.

I’ve cleaned up my sidebar a little bit. All of the knit-alongs are inactive, so I’ve changed their status and left links to completed items.

8 Responses to “Stupid bandwidth”

  1. Julie Says:

    Happy Birthday, Olivia!
    from your buds,
    D, J & j

  2. Karen Says:

    Happy Birthday Olivia! Gingerbread sounds so tasty.

  3. Tammie Says:

    WOW busy time of year for you! Three of your kids have birthdays around the same time 🙂

  4. Sue Says:

    Happy birthday Olivia. Gee 3 birthdays so close together. That will be busy. My partner and his brother share the same birthday with my neighbour, who had her little girl a year, guess when, right, on their birthday as well and her cousin had a little boy a year to the day on her 1st birthday. I think a public holiday is in order. Hope you have a great day Olivia.

  5. Emy Says:

    Happy birthday Olivia!

  6. Niki Says:

    Happy Birthday to Olivia! It sounds like it was a great day. Good luck with the piano lessons!

  7. Jenny Says:

    Happy Belated Birthday greetings to you, Olivia!

  8. Dani Says:

    Having room to do the things you want to do is such a joy! I hope you find more happy surprises as you settle into your new home.

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