Mon May 8, 2006

You know you’re desperate when….

you’re beside yourself with glee when you think to raid the Mag-lite for batteries upon discovering the swing has gone dead just after midnight, along with any hopes you may have had to get to sleep.


Stealing from a flashlight is much better than getting dressed, waking and loading the baby into the car, and driving to the grocery store to get batteries in the wee hours.


I can think of no other time or reason to be SO glad that those dumb flashlights take FOUR “D” batteries.

Now, I’m going to bed.

No Responses to “You know you’re desperate when….”

  1. Liane Says:

    My husband rigged up our battery operated swing somehow with an adapter so it would plug into the wall…saved us lots of batteries!

  2. uli Says:

    Been there done that!!! Just the other day. We raided the big flashlight because my husband raided the swing (which I thought was silly) to put a D-cell in the musical mobile on the crib. And then he had to raid the flash light so I could put him in the swing….. I was jumping for joy when he first started liking his swing. He didn’t want to have anything to do with it the first two months but now it’s heaven sent.

    Clarke is just so handsome.

  3. Gina Says:

    So handsome and sweet!

  4. Katie Says:

    Those swings are a life-saver!

  5. Amy Says:


    My youngest is almost 2 and we still have D batteries in our cabinet from when we overbought after a particularly evil evening 😉

  6. Amy Says:

    Oh yeah, Amby baby hammocks work better and they don’t need batteries FYI

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