Thu May 18, 2006

Craving monster

It was so weird. I’ve been eating really well the last few weeks, starting the day off with a varying, homemade breakfast shake, eating a super healthy lunch, and a little less healthy of a dinner (but still pretty darn good). I’ll grab a string cheese for snack if need be, or some soaked almonds, or a couple dry apricots or cranberries, or a Talking Rain.

Usually indulging in some sort of sweet either shortly before or after dinner to satiate a craving, which I’m going to try to curb in the future. (I had an unfortunate conversation with someone about Snickers Bars recently. I haven’t eaten a Snickers in years, and it sounded so fantastically good, I bought some. They’re gone now).

Yesterday was craving day. I have no idea what the deal was, but immediately after a very satisfying lunch of chicken vegetable stir fry over brown rice, I turned into Rabid Craving Monster. Seriously. I could have eaten 2 dozen cookies and 5 candy bars if I’d had them around, and probably still been looking for more.

Instead of fighting it, I quickly made a shake with milk, peanut butter, a frozen banana, and some wheat germ. Yum, yum, yum!

It may have been a calorie-fest, but I’m pretty proud of myself. The craving monster disappeared until 9:30 or so last night when it showed up again in full force. Only this time, it wanted curly fries and pepperoni pizza. I decided to starve it out and woke up ravenous this morning, which is unusual for me. So far today I’m doing well, and the monster has yet to return.

Hehe. I won.

7 Responses to “Craving monster”

  1. susan Says:

    Rock on! It’s nice to win… 🙂

  2. Karma Says:

    I hope you feel very proud of yourself for battling and winning the craving monster! That can be soooo hard. It sounds like you remedied your needs with healthier yet satisfying foods. Points for you, mamacita! 🙂

  3. Jennifer Says:

    It’s probably made worse with the breastfeeding. I was hungry all the time!

  4. Stephanie Cullison Says:

    I am nursing my 6 month old and all I ever want to do is eat eat eat. It is so hard not to. Kudos to you for making some good choices! I know how hard that is. :o) Hope tomorrow is a little easier!

  5. yuvee Says:

    That’s great! I rarely could fight the craving, so you’re quite a motivation for me 😉 Thanks!

  6. Dani Says:

    What stellar willpower! The only thing that stops me from giving in to the Craving Monster is my lack of transportation. If I could drive, I would be heading down to the 24-hr fast food joint almost every night!

  7. Candace Says:

    This is exactly where I am! Fighting cravings! Last week I heard a lady on TV say cravings usually last 8 to 15 minutes. I’ve never lasted out one, I usually cave quickly, so I’m not sure how long mine last. So this week I’m going to grab a glass of water and a boiled egg when I have mine and see what happens.

    I know when my babies hit their growth spurts (2, 4, 6 weeks etc) while nursing I would also tend to overeat. My body needs more protien then.

    Thanks for doing this Laura. I’m so excited to be able to do this with others.

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