Mon Oct 2, 2006

So many birds

We’ve been watching the wildlife this morning. I’ve had a couple red-breasted nuthatches, dozens and dozens of at least two kinds of chickadees (chestnut backed and black capped), numerous hummingbirds I can’t name, a couple squirrels, and several Stellar’s Jays on our upper deck today, right outside the large windows in the living room. Our upper deck isn’t very big. Maybe 20 feet wide and 7-8 feet deep. So they’re right there. It’s been so cool.

I went to Wild Birds Unlimited last week to pick up more seed for the nuthatches and chickadees, a hummingbird feeder, and to get some peanuts for the stupid squirrels so they’d leave my seed alone. I didn’t know that Jay’s eat peanuts. In their shell. Lots and lots of Jays and peanuts. It’s been so much fun. Clark loves to watch them.

I’ll try to get some pictures.

Conference was fabulous over the weekend. I was sorry it had to end. I didn’t get a lot of knitting done, because Clark had to be held, but I did get to the beginning of the heel flap on Abigail’s stocking.


That last row on the needle is Evergreen. I like how it’s turning out so far, but I’m hoping it doesn’t end up looking too sophisticated/grown up. It is for an 8 year old, but she’s a very serious 8 year old. I’m hoping that once I get a little more color going in the foot, and the snowflake on, it’ll lighten up a bit.

One Response to “So many birds”

  1. Carrie Says:

    It’s beautiful. . . you have such a good eye for color and design. It’s fun to watch your progress! I’m still having fun messing around with the santas (oops. . .that might have sounded a little dirty. . . you know what I mean though 🙂
    I’m in a bit of denial that it’s already October. . .soon, the Christmas ads will start and then I’ll kick it into stocking high gear!

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