Wed Jul 21, 2004

I probably shouldn’t, but….

Hey LOOK! It’s Britney Spears!


Ouch. OK, that was uncalled for, but it was darn funny, and I couldn’t help myself. As you can see, the birthday present doll has a nifty pair of pants. I had most of half of a fuchsia sweater done yesterday, but I made the arms way too long and had to frog. I should branch out and try the more conventional sweater pattern for these dolls, but I’ve already made the sideways sweater, and I like it. So I’m going to be unoriginal. (Says the girl making a pink doll with purple hair and green and blue striped pants.)

2 Responses to “I probably shouldn’t, but….”

  1. susan Says:

    You dolls are so cute! I must make some!!

  2. Jenny Says:

    You’re SO BAD! But it does look just like that Brittany pose! Although, when my eyes first went to the photo, before I read anything, I rather thought she looked like a mermaid! I’m guessing you put in quite alot of hair, since it looks so very thick.I haven’t started any dollies yet,must finish daughter’s tank tops before summer slips away. My sweet gum tree is already dropping a few very red leaves. Jenny

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