Mon Nov 13, 2006

Health Group- Year 3, week 22

My table came back from the refinishers on Friday, for about 15 minutes, and went back again. They messed up. I was disappointed because we were having a huge to-do at our house this weekend, and I wanted our table, but in the end, I’m glad the table wasn’t here. It was a send-off party for some friends that are moving to Georgia, and we had about 50 people in our house. Many of them were little kids. The adults ate in the living room, and all the kids ate at the table. (Two plastic folding tables pushed together). They spilled more punch than they actually consumed. Part way into the evening, I just set the roll of paper towels on the table and left it there. It was the kind of chaos you would expect from many, many little kids with casual and distracted supervision. And I didn’t have to worry about my newly refinished and ill-destined table.

It was a good thing.

Health Group- what do you have? I’m slipping off the no sugar wagon. I must be really weak. I’ve been able to do it in the past, but for some reason, this year is really hard for me. I’m starting again today, and I’m going to get some physical therapy exercises in as well.

One Response to “Health Group- Year 3, week 22”

  1. Dani Says:

    A small segment of my online parenting group decided to recommit to healthy living for the month of November and choose one or two baby steps to focus on. My step is to exercise every day for at least 10 minutes. I’m not weighing or changing my diet — just trying to get to the end of the month. Some days I do more, but I admit that there are other days where I haven’t done anything. I’ll see at the end of the month if I’ve done any good. Right now, I’m just sore!

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