Tue Nov 14, 2006

Pretty socks

Diana has written a great sock pattern that she’s selling. I think I’m going to buy it.

Speaking of buying, I’ve been on a book binge recently. I bought 6 books in the last week or so, and based on the books I bought, I’m obsessed with lace.







(Most knitters buy yarn, I buy books).

It’s been too long since I knit lace, and I need to create a new masterpiece. These books are going to satisfy me out of buying those expensive English patterns I’ve been looking at, and a big thanks to Bev who brought Victorian Lace Today to my attention. I didn’t know it existed. So pretty.

So I REALLY need to finish these Christmas stockings. I haven’t touched them since you saw them last, I’ve been very distracted by my spinning wheel. And Clark has been fussy. (We’re having nursing problems, and I’m not giving up).

Also, I just found out I’m going to be hosting Thanksgiving at my house for 23-30 people. My mother-in-law’s house is undergoing a minor remodel and awhile back, she said that the contractors assured her it’d be done by Thanksgiving. I laughed (inwardly to be polite), then I offered my house as a back up and yesterday morning, she took me up on it. Is anyone surprised? Are there ANY contractors out there that actually know how long it takes to build and fix things?

I have a lot to do.

4 Responses to “Pretty socks”

  1. Katie Says:

    Ooh books! I’m jealous. 🙂 I actually have Knitted Flowers on my wish list for Christmas (yes, I’m already writing one!!!)

  2. Bev Watts Says:

    So were you looking at my B&N order? I got the two Kenzel books at the same time I got the Victorian lace book. I have started the shawl that is on the cover of the Victorian Book– and I am doing it in exactly the same color. Not very imaginative– but it sure is pretty. Bev

  3. Stacey Says:

    Oh, Laura, I am drooling over your new books. I am also a book collector. Yarn is nice but books are better.

  4. Hayden Says:

    Seriously, that many people? Wow. Wow. That’s a lot of people to feed; I think I’d make them all go out and eat, or get take out.

    How is your spinning wheel? And Clark? And yourself.

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