Thu Dec 28, 2006

Hey there.

Great holiday. Great wedding. Great visiting with family. Great pictures, like, 387 of them from Christmas alone. It was all great. I don’t have the energy to talk much about it, and it wouldn’t be particularly interesting to read anyway. Suffice it to say, it was great.

Nate’s stocking didn’t make it to the party (just the toe and duplicate stitch left), nor did Olivia’s angel, but her naked stocking was there. So we used a combination of old and new, and everyone had a stocking for Santa to fill. Oddly enough, despite the 387 photos mentioned earlier, none of them are of stockings. But I have a cutie shot of my brother and my mom.


And a picture of one of Nate’s presents.


Hey, stop that. Focus on the socks. Groovy, no?

And then there’s the boy


and the girls


and hallelujah, we got a picture of the two of us together


and I love it.

I have some yarn to show, and stuff, but I think tonight I’m going to leave you with a shot of my legwarmers. They are glorious. I wear them all the time. I wore them to church Christmas Eve under my cool denim skirt.



It isn’t easy taking a self portrait of the back of your feet.

6 Responses to “Hey there.”

  1. Gina Says:

    Love the legwarmers !!

    I was thinking I might knit myself some, what was the pattern?

  2. Laura Says:

    No pattern. I just looked at the yarn, did a gauge swatch, measured my leg, and went from there. It’s 2×2 ribbing, 68 stitches, 80 rows with a picot bind off. I think I used size 8 needles, 16 inch circular. I’ll try to find a yarn label, but I got it out of the clearance bin at a yarn shop much earlier in the year so I doubt it’s around.

  3. Hayden Says:

    Lovely photos Laura…hee.

    The, um, socks, that Nate, um, featured were lovely…very sock monkey like. Clark looked adorable (as always), the girls looked cute and your legs warmers were awesome.

  4. Crimson Says:

    Clark’s gotten so big! He and the girls are so adorable. I love the leg warmers, too!

  5. Emy Says:

    Happy Holidays!

    Your legwarmers are just so irresistibly funky! 🙂

  6. Sue Says:

    What great pictures of your family. Clarke looks so adorable, no wonder you cuddle him all the time. The girls are growing into such beautiful girls too. Wishing you and your family a happy new year too.

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