Sat Dec 30, 2006

Health Group- Year 3, week 28?

I don’t remember. Health Group has been a bit dodgy lately. BUT, this is the first time in a looooooong time it’s been posted on a Saturday, like it’s supposed to be, so maybe that’s a sign? I sure hope so.

I’m trying. Thursday started out fantastic, and around 3:30 in the afternoon, went downhill. Yesterday was high calorie, my only consolation being that they weren’t empty calories.

Today is off to a good start, and I’m praying like mad that I can successfully complete ONE good day, something which hasn’t been within my grasp, despite efforts. And I know how lame that sounds, but I’ve been trying, and failing, a lot.

We’re approaching the very popular time of year for health goals. Do you have any? How do you plan to keep them? Talk to me about it. My goals haven’t changed, I’m just hoping to start meeting them.

7 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 28?”

  1. Lora Says:

    I am reminded of the saying “persistence, not perfection” when I read this post. You will eventually reach your health goals through persistence. Nobody’s perfect…it took me a year to lose 25# and then I lost nothing in 2006 so I’m back it again in 2007. Hang in there!

  2. Katie Says:

    I really want to lose about 50 lbs this year – think I can do it? I’m not fitting into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes yet. Eck.

  3. Laura Says:

    I’ll go you that. I want to lose 50 pounds, (at least), too! Wanna do it together? Sounds like a good goal. How much weight did you lose when you were looking so nice before you moved?

  4. roro Says:

    Do you remember how great you felt and how much energy you had when you managed to eat well and do some exercise? Wouldn’t it be great to get some of that energy back, and not worry so much about the weight loss? That will come once you get into the good rythm with the other things, and the time invested will be well spent because you won’t be as tired the rest of the day, and you will also sleep better and feel more rested.

    I’m sure you already know all this and that you don’t need anyone to tell you the obvious, but I need a little reminder for myself as well. My goals for 2007 are
    -not to gain any weight
    -smile more!

    Wish you and your loved ones a happy, healty and peaceful new year.

  5. Hayden Says:

    Hmm, I don’t usually make “health” resolutions, but this year, I am resoluting (now a word) to not eat any meat (excluding eggs) for 6 months. Also, I plan to run the outer loop at Green Lake (3.2 miles) at least 5 times this year.

    Happy New Year Laura! I hope today, and all the tomorrows are better!

  6. Suzette Says:

    Happy New Year (well, almost). After a great deal of thought, my resolution this year is to finish the projects that I start. I decided that it’s broad enough to apply to knitting and fitness. I’m continuing on with last year’s as well (Doing one impossible thing a day) for those days when eating well or getting to the gym seems, well, impossible.

    Hope 2007 brings you all sorts of amazing things.

  7. Gayle (FYRKRKR) Says:

    50 pounds, eh? Sounds good to me! I’m in, sign me up! What shall we do to reward ourselves when we get there? Girls weekend in Lake Chelan or something? (I’d say Cabo, but that is way out of my budget!)

    Hayden, I hope you are taking your dog with you on those runs around Greenlake!!!

    I am just pleased to report that the skinnier jeans are now zipping up again, so I am at least starting. Can’t believe I blew all of 2006 and didn’t do a darn thing when at Thanksgiving 2005 I had been doing so well. Oh, well, 2006 is OVER. 2007 will be better. Here we go…

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