Sat Jan 27, 2007

Health Group- Year 3, week 32

Good morning. At least it would be if I’d had any sleep to speak of last night. I fell unconscious around midnight, and Clark woke up at 4:37 this morning. He’s back asleep for the time being, but I’m not, about an hour and a half earlier than I intended. That’s ok, so long as I make it through the day without falling asleep. Today is my silk spinning class with Paula Shull, who I’ve already met and spoken to a few times casually.

Health Group- I weighed in at 229.4, or .2 this morning. I don’t remember. I’m sure it would have been less, but I was still dressed in my PJ’s. It’s cold in my house, and I didn’t want to get colder. Plus, I had a pizza gorge fest last night at 10:30 pm or so when I got home. I wasn’t hungry at dinner time at Madrona, so I didn’t eat anything. By the time I got home and started nibbling on a piece, I turned into a ravenous beast and ate 2 pieces of pepperoni, 2 pieces of rosemary chicken, and had a caffeine free Coke. So that was on the scale with me this morning as well as the clothing.

Earlier in the week, I was hovering in the low 227’s which is good, because I haven’t been exercising AT ALL. Not a bit. This week has been off, schedule-wise, so while I’ve been eating decent for the most part, I’m not considering it a “diet week”. I’ll start up Monday again without contempt.

How was your week?

No Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 32”

  1. Katie Says:

    I did great all week until yesterday… Some MOPs moms watched our kids while Phil and I went out on a date! So, anyway, I had mexican food and ice cream which put me well over my points for the day – yikes! Also I didn’t make it to the gym yesterday (forgetting that I wouldn’t be able to go today because Phil is on a hike) so I’m determined to get a walk in today. I’m hoping that one-day splurge won’t make too much of a difference on Tuesday when I weigh in at WW.

  2. Miriam Says:

    Well, I’m game…I think this is a great idea and I’d love to join your health group if that’s all right. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and enjoy seeing what you’re knitting.

    I’m a 42 year old mother of 2 boys (11 and 13) and I have, oh, let’s say, lots to lose…I haven’t weighed myself in ages, but I’m thinking it must be around 60-70 pounds.

    I think I might need slightly smaller goals than 50 pounds by next December…I’m thinking 10 pounds by Easter? That should be doable, right?

    Anyway, good luck to you all!

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