Mon Jan 29, 2007

Where to begin…

There is so much to talk about from Madrona, the thought of organizing it all into coherency is daunting. Thus, today is not that day.

The house is trashed. And it isn’t just the result of Nate and the kids being motherless for three days, it’s also my stuff spread out everywhere. I’d get home late at night, dump everything, go to bed, wake up, dig through it all to get what I need for that day, and leave.



Plus, Nate and the kids were motherless for three days, so you can imagine. The shenanigans they pulled while I was gone are worthy of a post, with pictures, all on their own. Today is not that day, either.

No, today I am cleaning things. But I can leave you with a picture of something beautiful.


The braid in the back is dyed corriedale and the ball in front is tussuh silk top that was dyed at the same time, so it matches. Pretty isn’t it? It wasn’t until an hour or so after I bought it that I realized what I’d done. Can you see it?


What the heck is my deal with buying teal fiber? I don’t buy anything else teal. Just fiber. Lots of it. I have pounds of teal merino top in 3 shades from a few years ago that I have become very tired of. I bought those teal Romney locks in November, and here I am, home from Madrona with freaking teal Corriedale. Unbelievable. However, I do love it combined with the red and lime green.

I’ve made a few sample skeins of yarns already, trying to figure out what I’m going to do with it.


The skein on the left is a “cloud” yarn, which has little slubbies plied into it. The middle skein is just varying thicknesses of singles plied together, and the one on the right is a crepe or cabled yarn, which is two 2-plies plied together. I really like the slubbies.

Finally, this is what I took to Madrona to work on during the down times.


I finished the toe, wove in oodles of ends, and started the duplicate stitch over the course of it all. I’m quite proud of myself.

No Responses to “Where to begin…”

  1. Darra Says:

    Man oh man do I like those argyle stockings you’ve made 🙂

    Forgive my lack of memory, but are they from a pattern or did you create your own pattern?

  2. Sue Says:

    The stocking looks fantastic. I like teal colored yarn, and I am sure you could spin it into a nice yarn and knit something for Clarke in it.

  3. Syrenmuse Says:

    I do the same thing with orange. Do I look good in orange? No… do I have a strange fascination with orange? Uh yups. There seems to always be a splash of it somewhere.

    Must be my need for sunshine.

    or egg yolks

  4. Monica Says:


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