Mon Feb 19, 2007

OUCH!!! Ohhhh, I’m sore

I fell yesterday. Slipped coming out of my bathroom. There was a little bit of wetness on the hardwoods just outside of my bathroom (the girls and I had all taken baths) and when my foot hit it, it slipped forward, my other leg twisted under me and I landed both on the hardwood AND the rocks in the bathroom, hard. I’m amazed I’m not more damaged than I am, but my ankle hurts (my spinning ankle), and my tailbone. Ow. Ow. Ow.

I can sit just fine, but any sort of moving at all… sitting down, getting back up, rolling over in bed, bending… Ow. Sucks.

And the kids are home all week for mid winter break. Abby is finally seeming better from her illness, but Veronica has been fighting a fever since Saturday evening. I’d love nothing more than to send everyone away and suffer my injuries in a calm and quiet house, all by myself.

As it is, I think I’m going to cast on and knit some socks today, very self indulgently.

Over the weekend, I carded and spun 4 ounces of my multicolored targee fleece. I wanted to spin a heavy single to knit into clogs in patches of color, but that isn’t going to work, so I’m spinning singles that I intend to 3-ply.


I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do with it yet. I’ve spun the dark brown, and I’m thinking of dyeing the lighter fiber before spinning it up. If I lose patience, I’ll just spin it natural and hope for a nice, tweedy look when I ply them.

I’d like to make a simple cardigan for myself out of it, but it might still go into some clogs and a sweater for Clark. Like a little hoodie cardigan or something.

But today, I’m going to hurt, and knit myself some socks.

2 Responses to “OUCH!!! Ohhhh, I’m sore”

  1. Alison Says:

    Hi Laura, check your tailbone! It sounds classic for fracture of tailbone, and I hate to break the news to you but if it is fractured it can take up to a year to heal. Your spinning looks great! Love the color you have in the pics.

  2. Hayden Says:

    Oh OUCH! I’m so sorry to hear that you hurt yourself. I hope it’s feeling much better today La!!

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