Thu Mar 15, 2007

One done

I’ve managed to finish one clog in the last week.


I haven’t been busier than usual, I just haven’t felt very conversational which is why you haven’t heard from me. I’ve been tired. I’m battling a recurrence of my sore throat. I’m trying to get some areas of the house organized from the move that was, yes, a year ago now.

Right now, we have a table full of high school seniors over for breakfast. They’re all talking about what they’re doing after graduation, and as I watch them, I see Abigail and Olivia in 9 years. It’s creeping me out.

5 Responses to “One done”

  1. Monica Says:

    we moved 3 years ago and I’m still getting organized….

  2. Monique Says:

    you should see our place, all the closets are still packed full of unpacked boxes. I suppose could just throw the stuff out, since it’s been in boxes for about 4 years now. I have no idea what is in most of them.

    As for Abigail and Olivia, oh man, I am freaking out that my Jack (5yo) is about to start Kindergarden this year. I can’t image what it would be like to be half way to high school.

  3. Jenny Says:

    My 19 yr old said on the way out the door…”by the way, I won’t be home next weekend. I’m going to Atlanta”. He was so nervous learning to drive last summer (yes, LAST summer, he was a late bloomer), that it just floors me that he doesn’t blink an eye about driving many states away now.
    I was just thinking about our messy house, and how it got that way…..when relatives get older, they start giving stuff away, so that THEY don’t have it…..then YOU do!! We were a lot less cluttered before everyone started unloading on US! Now if I want to get to my sewing machine, I have to move stuff so then I can’t get to my cupboard!
    And my second round of antibiotics didn’t knock out my sinus infection, so now it’s back to the Dr. When I got up this morning, my eyes were so swollen they had huge bags….I think I could have passed for 80!

  4. carol Says:

    My own personal moving nightmare included having to deal with the left over junk the previous owner left behind. Considering it was Tim’s mothers house, I wasn’t always able to just throw it in the truck for the dump. – the clogs are starting to look cool…

  5. Linda Says:

    I just wanted to point out to you (in case you don’t know) that your feed doesn’t seem to be working. The last entry I have for you is sometime in September 2006? I think? It was when you announced you were going to switch servers.
    Sorry if I’m just telling you something you were aware of,

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