Sat Mar 10, 2007

Health Group- Year 3, week 38

I did my physical therapy every day this week except for Tuesday, when I was really too tired to function, carryover from being sick I think.

I’m eating too much at night. My days are good, nights, bad. I don’t get it, either. I don’t feel deprived during the day. I think I’m eating enough, but night comes, I make dinner, it’s good, and I eat a lot of it. Then I get frustrated with myself.

How are you doing?

7 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 38”

  1. Jan in PA Says:

    Hi Laura! I’m still here and very optimistic. I have arranged to weigh in with my doctor every Friday. I don’t have a scale at home because I become obsessed with my weight.

    This week, I managed to lose 2.5 pounds, a result of following my eating plan and walking the dogs just a wee bit farther. One of my dogs needs to lose 20 pounds, we’re working on it together.

    I have also seriously increased my water intake per my nutritionist’s advice. She claims we frequently mistake thirst for hunger. I can’t tell yet.

    Laura, are you still doing the breakfast shakes? I’m considering it.

    ’till next week…

  2. Stephanie Cullison Says:

    Hey Laura….I totally know where you are coming from. I’ve been doing the 20/20 program that my friend did from ProClub and have lost 45 lbs in the last 7 weeks.(I’m not doing it through them but she is coaching me through week to week) It consists of a lot of protein shakes as well.

    I’ve got a ton more weight on me than you do and couldn’t exercise much at all to begin with. I know you have a lot of back problems that prohibit a lot of kinds of exercise right?

    I told hubby that I needed guilt to get me to do it so we bought a club quality elliptical($$$) for home and I’ve been using it for 2 months. It is really easy on my knees and back. (not to mention my ankles which were taking a beating as well)

    I know that increasing my water through out the day helps a ton with the cravings for food at night. Are you still nursing Clark as well? I was still nursing my youngest when I started and he stopped about 2 weeks in to this and I think that has helped me a lot as well because my hormones are now finally starting to normalize.

    Anyway….hang in there. Don’t beat yourself up about it! That just makes it worse…I know…I have been doing the same thing for years :o)

  3. Katie Says:

    I’m still doing great, but I tend to get the evening munchies. Sometimes drinking water first helps me get over it – if not, then I have specific items that are okay to eat after dinner and I can have only one. For example, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich (they sell these at Costco much cheaper than at the grocery store,) or a mini-bag of 94% fat free popcorn. WW had a good tip for when you are having a really yummy feast-style dinner – it’s okay to have a bit of everything as long as there is a little space between each item, no foods touching. This works well at a potluck. Either that, or use a smaller plate (like a salad plate) so it looks like more. They also say to eat slowly, taking breaks to drink water – but this can be difficult to do when you have little ones!

  4. Monica Says:

    I get hungry in the evenings as well, and I restrict myself to a bowl of all bran or an apple if I eat beyond dinner. The fiber helps you feel full, and the apple helps my digestion.

    I’m rooting for all of you who are trying to loose weight. I think that’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

  5. A Bohemian Road Nurse... Says:

    Hey, I can’t wait to see the Noro clogs when they’re felted!

  6. Marie Biddle Says:

    Hi Laura…I am the same. I eat at night. Yeah, don’t be too hard on yourself, o.k..! There is a lot to be said for even trying.

  7. heather Says:

    Hi, how are things going this week? Are we on for tonight?

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