Thu Apr 5, 2007

Fun and fatigue

I’m still horribly tired. Clark is doing much better, but still isn’t sleeping through the night so aside from fighting my own illness, I’m fighting chronically interrupted sleep as well.

It’s a lovely, sunny day. The birds are very sociable and chittery right out the window, and it’s making me happy.

Last night was fun. We visited with family and Hayden, and Abby felt special. We gave her a ukulele, which she has wanted for a couple months.

I don’t have enough mental energy to focus on and plan her school friend party which is immediately after school tomorrow. Likewise, I am unable to craft a well written post. So my ramblings will be fragmented and dull.

But I wanted to say that considering that I just sat down at my spinning wheel for a little rhythmic relaxation, and rather than spin up my prepared rolags I instead decided to card more rolags… I’m guessing that this fleece really sucks. I need to get it done so I can start spinning something more enjoyable. Because it seems to me that spinning should be preferable to hand carding, any day.

And I’m through the heel flaps and turns on both socks. So they’re ready for picking up stitches and working the gussets. Which is too much effort for my energy level. So I carded rolags which takes less thinking but still gets me touching wool. And that’s a good thing, or would be if it didn’t mean I was ignoring the looming 9 year old birthday party breathing down my neck.

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