Sat Jun 16, 2007

Health Group- Year 3, week 51

As usual for this week, I have no time, so real quick….

I had a great week. I’m down a little bit in my hips. I weight 218.4!!! That means I’ve finally hit the 10 pound mark for the year.

I love CalorieKing.

I haven’t exercised this week, and I’m not giving up. I have until Monday to get 150 minutes in. Which is an hour and fifteen minutes today and tomorrow. Not going to happen, but I’ll try to get something in tomorrow at least.

While frantically cleaning through a big pile of papers today, I came across some measurements and weights from last summer, and I’m smaller than I was then! That’s a happy feeling.

How was your week?

3 Responses to “Health Group- Year 3, week 51”

  1. Romi Says:

    CalorieKing rocks the house!!!! 🙂

  2. April Says:

    Congratulations! Doesn’t progress feel great?

    I have found a new way to measure my progress. (inspired by your post about your jeans fitting looser) Since my whole weight loss goal is to fit into my prepregnancy clothes, I went out a bought a pair of jeans. They were real cute and a bit expensive. (I have never bought a pair of $60 jeans before) The clincher is that they are two sizes too small. I can button them if I try hard so I know my hips haven’t changed too much and that they should fit if I lost a few pounds, getting rid of those rolls of chub oozing out of them. (sorry that sounds a bit gross, but unfortunately it is the truth) So anyway, I plan on trying them on once a week and doing a little dance as I watch them get looser and looser. I figure to comfortably fit into these jeans I would have to loose 10-15 lbs. I am way excited to be done with this whole weight battle. (notice all my positive thinking, that’s part of my new approach as well)

    Well, Last week with food I did pretty well all around. I did especially well on Friday and Saturday after I bought my new jeans. I haven’t been able to do much cardio exercise but I did get in my weight bearing exercises. Alternating every other day with: push-ups, dips, and sit-ups than, sissy squats, lunges and crunches. I am still only doing one set of about 20 but I plan on moving up to 2 sets of 15 this week.

    Good Luck to you this week. I’m looking forward to hearing about more success next week.

  3. hayden Says:

    Congratulations Laura!

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