Mon Jun 18, 2007

Pretty mitts

So, I was talking on the phone with my sister this afternoon, spinning some thick, bright teal merino singles onto my Suzie….


(I have to use this stuff up! I’m buried in it and I don’t like it. So I’m trying to do a Manos del Uruguay type of thing with the thick, uneven single and then I’ll overdye it to see if I can end up with something cool. The Majacraft bobbins are plastic, and they say you can dye and/or set twist right on the bobbin. I’m not going to dye it that way, but setting the twist on a single without having to take it off the bobbin sounds like a great idea to me. And incidentally, I have to keep reminding myself to be uneven. It’s so easy to zone out in the rhythm of the draft and petal and make an even yarn. So mine’s going to be inconsistently inconsistent. And it’s kinda cracking me up).

Alright, so I was spinning on the Suzie, talking on the phone when Nate…

(that’s another thing! I can spin on the Suzie in my comfy chair! I don’t know if it’s because of the double treadle or what, but when spinning on the Clemes, I had to be on one of our dining chairs to be comfortable. With the Suzie, I can snuggle back into my regular chair


and comfortably spin. Endlessly I’d imagine.


Ok, right, so, I was spinning on Suzie (do you think I should give her a different name?), talking to my sister, when Nate came in with the mail and dropped these on the couch next to me.


How exciting! Lots of mitts!

As it turns out, the box was from Cookie Lee, but the rest are mitts! Wonderful, beautiful mitts!


They’re to die for.

So, um, yeah. I have this weird medical condition, and, like, I have to wear gloves all the time to, you know, keep my fingers from freezing and falling off. So, uh, do you think you might, maybe, like, wanna knit me some mitts?


Thanks guys, you’re totally awesome. I’m so happy we’re doing this for her. I think I’m waiting on one more pair, I need to check with my internet-shy-friend who’s keeping track, but then we’ll be done and we’ll dish out prizes, and we’ll all get a fantastic dose of Karma.

6 Responses to “Pretty mitts”

  1. hayden Says:

    Yay, I’m glad more of the expected mitts have arrived. Does this mean that you didn’t give them to her on Friday?

    Also, I’m glad you’re able to spin comfortably and that the wheel is so awesome!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Umm…yeah…me too. I have this medical condition….I need mitts too….umm….like…can everyone knit me some as well? :o)

    Okay…now real jealousy has hit. I want to learn to spin SO BAD and you are making it sounds so easy…you have to think about making it inconsistent. LOL. I think I would have to seriously concentrate to even make it remotely even. Oh well…one of these days I’ll get a wheel and then you’ll have to teach me okay?

    I can’t wait to see a pic of all the mitts together. How many are there going to be total?

  3. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Eeeeee – that is so cool! Oh, and setting the twist on the bobbin?! Wow – Can I use those bobbins with my wheel? I would love to try that! Manos is my favorite yarn!!!

  4. kris Says:

    yay! you received them. She will love them all. You are such a good friend.


  5. Julie Says:

    Isn’t it easy to see how people in positions of power can be tempted to abuse that power? : )
    Luckily for Mary, Laura is an upstanding citizen and kindhearted soul!

  6. Monica Says:

    I had some teal yarn like that that was given to me, so I knit a felted purse. It was pretty fun, but your ideas sound better. Mitts are great!

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