Wed Jun 20, 2007

Same old story…. things are crazy

It’s getting old, but I’m just running like mad. The girls are out of school in two more days, and then things will be sane again.

We were at a gorgeous place called Kayak Point for a 3-6 grade BBQ all day yesterday. It was soooo nice.




Hours and hours of sand digging, crab catch and releasing, sunbathing, etc. I brought the Uptown Boot Socks and picked up both gussets. Now I’m cruising down towards the toe. Since the stitch count changes so dramatically in the gusset, the swirly stripes are all cattywumpus. That’s fine, but the pattern has me decrease for the foot to 58 stitches, when the leg was knit in 64. So the stripes are continuing to mutate. I don’t know if it’s good, bad, or otherwise. What do you think?



Those are both sides of the same sock.

And I’m off again. I’m squeezing in a serger lesson (I’ve had the thing for over a year and have no idea how to use it) before helping out at the school. Then I want to dash to JoAnn’s for a fabric sale before coming home to get the tips of my hair punk dyed with Hayden. Mine are getting punk dyed, and even though it was her idea, she’s just getting highlights.


4 Responses to “Same old story…. things are crazy”

  1. Julie Says:

    Yeah, what’s that about?!
    I think she should get pink highlights!
    : )

  2. hayden Says:

    Okay, firstly, I’d love to dye my hair “punk”! LOVE TO. However, that pesky little apperance rule my boss insists on means that at this time, I can’t.

    And secondly, Mrs. Internet Shy Friend, why don’t you get your hair dyed punk? Hmm? I think you should, I think you should dye all of your hair screaming bubble-gum pink!


  3. Stephanie Says:

    I’m totally into the punk dyed hair. Mine is bright pink dontchaknow :o) So you’ll get no arguments from me!!!! I can’t wait to see it! You’ll love having funky hair. It is such a fun thing to do..and hey…we are allowed to be funky! I don’t have an office job with a dress code!!!

    Hmmm…it looks like your STR isn’t just going cattywumpus(which is SUCH a great word and not used nearly enough these days imo!) looks like it’s starting to pool. I have mixed feelings about pooling yarns. Some I don’t mind…some bug the heck out of me. What are your opinions? I don’t know if there is really much you could do about it at this point though. The Blue Moon girls suggest knitting from both ends of the skein and alternating 2 rows each to feather out the colors instead of letting them stripe or pool. I like how the leg stripes look…but the foot might end up looking totally different. it will be interesting to see what it mutates into. Ahh…handpainted yarns. Hate to love them…love to hate them…. sometimes :o)

  4. Monica Says:

    Will you post a photo of the new do? I like the socks ‘cattywumpus’. It only bugs me if one turns out wild and the other keeps the stripes. I’m sure when that’s happened it had absolutely nothing to do with any mistakes I might have made…

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