Archive for July, 2005

Saturday, July 9th, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 5

Hi! We just got back from a great BBQ picnic in the park, and I played Ultimate Frisbee for the first time! I’m so excited. In the past, I never would have played because I was afraid of messing up for my team, or just being pathetic. Since I gained weight, I’ve been even more self conscious. But today I decided to jump in and participate. I was the only girl on the team. They actually passed to me! And I ran, barefoot, in the grass for 30-45 minutes. So there’s my exercise for the day. And I couldn’t be happier. SO….

Monday- was the end of my girls’ weekend away, and then straight on to a 4th of July BBQ, so there was nothing admirable to report.
Tuesday- I did 50 minutes of treadmill and PT.
Wednesday- was the same.
Thursday- the same again.
Friday- I did upper body weights and PT. My pecs hurt, and I love it.
Today, as you know, I worked it playing frisbee.

I’m ignoring the scale. On the whole the past few weeks, I’ve eaten really well, but this last weekend away, well, we ate. A lot. I gained 7 pounds in two days. I’m puffy. And then last night, to celebrate my last Finchy Friday, I brought food. Brie, crackers, basil/pasta salad, salami and a sourdough baguette, fresh basil from my “deck garden”, havarti, donut holes and sparkling cider. So, I’m still puffy. I have my work cut out for me, but for the most part, I’m doing really well.

I’m loving the wheatgrass juice. I’m up to 2 oz, twice a day, and I intend to bump it up in a week or so. I feel so invigorated in a mellow, soothing way. It sounds weird, but that’s how it feels to drink the stuff. I actually crave it. This doesn’t mean I like it. It’s still way weird, but I like what it does to me.

How’s it going out there? Our own FYRKRKR (aka Gayle) is doing very well. She has been doing PT exercises, and water aerobics 3x a week, and has dropped another pant size. Way to go, Gayle!

Thursday, July 7th, 2005

It’s blocking…

The Shoalwater looks to be stretching out nicely. It should be dry soon.

I’m still knitting the 7 inches of Kimono before the neckline decreases. Still. Knitting. Garter Stitch. Save Me.

Any Cable-Eights? Hillary has joined our group. Welcome Hillary!

As promised, the stitch markers went out yesterday. Mailing internationally was cheaper than I expected. Because each package weighed less than an ounce, they were under $1 to ship. Cool. So, know that except for those mentioned specifically yesterday, your markers are on their way.

Tonight is my last night of Finchy Fridays. For those of you who are new, I have been working at the LYS every Friday night from 4-9 in exchange for yarn, hosting a free knitting group. That is where I met Katie, and Heidi. Two fabulous ladies I am very excited to now be friends with.

My question is this…. Now that my convenient little arrangement with a yarn store is ending, how am I going to get yarn?

Wednesday, July 6th, 2005

Back to the Kimono

I haven’t blocked the Shoalwater yet. I think I’m scared. Maybe it’s denial. I don’t know, but it’s still waiting to be soaked and blocked.

I finally finished the stitch markers that need to go out, wrote the remaining cards, addressed and sealed them, stamped the stateside envelopes, and the internationals are waiting to be hauled to the post office. I will ship them all out tomorrow. You can count on that, and I’m sorry again for being a flake. That being said, Janet, I haven’t done yours yet. Soon though, soon. And then there’s the marker sets I just committed to making for the Marker Mania Swap (see sidebar for button). Those aren’t done either.

Now I’m back to knitting on Veronica’s Kimono. I’m second guessing myself on the size I chose. And if I have to rip this one, I will be very sad, because knitting tight garter stitch on size 4 needles takes a very, very long time. The fact that it’s a wrap-around sweater knit in one piece is contributing to the lack of speed, I’m sure.

And I STILL have to finish felting mom’s clogs. After the serious public ribbing I dished out to my mom a month ago, they remain dry and half felted on my bedroom floor. Sorry mom, :-). (UPDATED to clarify that mom sent me her measurements a month ago, and I’m the one slacking. In case there’s any confusion).

If there’s anyone else out there I need to apologize to, please accept my apology, and remind me of what it is I’ve committed to do for you so I can get on it. Because I’m sure I’ve forgot.

This post might sound a bit a bit melodramatic. I’m fine, I’m just cleaning house, so-to-speak.

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

Have a picture of a dog

After finishing half of the i-cord edging on the Shoalwater Shawl, I realized I had worked it too tight. This isn’t really my fault, as traditionally i-cord is supposed to be pulled tight to get the “tube” effect. Anyway, it was too tight, so I frogged and re-did. No pictures. Wanna see my dog?


And to those of you who haven’t received your stitch markers yet… I’m so sorry! I will finish them up and send them out as soon as I can. Promise.

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

Am I ever going to get a good night’s sleep again?

It sure doesn’t feel like it. After the drive-in last week, which took days to recover from, and my weekend away where we stayed up ’til 2:30 am, and then 1 am, and then the 4th when we stayed up late watching fireworks and playing with these…..



I am AMAZINGLY tired. Either life is too fun, or I am too old.


The chosen color is Jade. They were all nice, and I wasn’t expecting to choose Jade when I held the vote, but out of all of them, it was the color that brought out the most vibrancy in the rest of the shawl. Plum made the shawl look muddied, and the Kiwi was a little too stark as to overpower, which wasn’t apparent in yesterday’s photo. The Jade really enhances the Noro. It’s lovely, and you’ll get a good look once the shawl is done and blocked. I’m working on the i-chord edging along the top right now, then I’m done.

Monday, July 4th, 2005

Happy 4th of July!

Hey! I’m back from the cabin. Had a great time. Caught crabs and starfish.


I really wish the color was better in that photo. The starfish was a wonderful red color, and the little tentacle things were bright yellow. I’m hoping it survived. The crab was totally freaking out, and before we could get them both out of the trap to throw back into the water, it sort of latched onto the poor starfish with its pinchers. It was seriously traumatic. For me.

As is the habit at the cabin, we ate mountains of food, breathed the salty, ocean breeze and relaxed. It was glorious. I finished the main part of the shawl and am currently working on the picot edging. (It took me quite awhile to figure out exactly how to do it. Written instructions are always subject to interpretation). I decided to try each of the three most popular colors…


Tomorrow, you’ll see which one I chose. Thank you all so much for your votes. Plum definitely wins the Reader’s Choice award, followed by Kiwi, then Jaded Dreams. Bulldog Blue and Noro were left in the dust.

Saturday, July 2nd, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 4

Good morning. Real quick, before I take off for the weekend…

Monday I did 50 minutes of treadmill and PT.
Tuesday was just PT, but quite a workout.
Wednesday I was on the treadmill again.
Thursday was nothing.
Friday I did treadmill again.

As soon as I get my garage under control again (it’s messy), I’ll be hitting the weights.

I’ve been eating very well this week, and I feel good about it. Depending on how you look at it, and which days you take into consideration, I lost 2 pounds. And that’s what I’m going to be shooting for. I’m hoping to lose 2 pounds a week!

Tell me how you did!