Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

So check this out

I bought a book.


I got it signed by one of the totally cute old ladies that wrote it.


I haunted her booth.


I fondled things.


My mother-in-law loves braided rugs. They’re a little too “traditional country” for my house, but I still really wanted to make them. Then, in flipping through the book, and now checking out this page on the website, my creativity is in overdrive, and I could totally make one funky enough for our decor.

I’m having trouble sleeping.

They had a rug in progress in their booth



and a braid in progress so you could really see how it’s done


and I need to do it.

And I apologize for not doing the drawing for Mary’s Mitts yet. Things have been so crazy. But we’ll do it this week for sure.