Archive for July, 2005

Tuesday, July 19th, 2005

The Mother Load

I thank you all for your kind words over the past few days/posts. Yesterday was a good day. It was beautiful outside. Two of my friends needed a babysitting favor, so I ended up with 5 little kids in addition to my own which, while it could have gone all wrong and contributed to the chaos, ended up pleasantly distracting my own so they more or less left me alone. They all played very nicely, and very quietly together. Considering we are talking about 8 children ranging in age from 2-7, this is shocking, but I am most certainly not complaining.

I think this sudden happiness is furthered by the fact that the laundry is well in hand. Not quite finished, but at least I feel in control. Control is important to me. Or at least the delusion of said control.

And I finally have some pictures for you. I have been the happy recipient of unexpected gifts recently. On Monday, I received some fun Merle Norman makeup that Karen sent to the girls and I. Thank you so much! On Saturday, Jenn’s package arrived, containing these-


and these-


and my personal favorite, these


FABULOUS! Thank you so much! They are lovely.

I am actually writing this post a day ahead, because tonight (last night, for you readers) is the annual “cousin party” my M-I-L throws for all the grandkids. It’s a sleepover, meaning Nate and I will have nearly 24 hours to ourselves. I am looking forward to this immensely, and I’m not going to let anything get in the way of making the most of it!

Monday, July 18th, 2005

The Ground Rules (or, Taking Drastic Measures to Protect my Sanity)

A note to my girls:

1. There will be no playing “dress-ups” for 2 weeks. This is because, inevitably, the current outfit is thrown on the floor. The dress-up clothes are worn (this is all inclusive. No one is content with only 1 dress-up outfit), the game of dress-ups ends, and a new, clean set of clothes are removed from the closet and put on. And this is repeated several times a day.

2. I don’t care WHAT you do to your clothes, how DIRTY they get, or HOW MUCH the activities of the day change, there will only be ONE fresh outfit worn, per day, for the next 2 weeks. The ONLY exception to this will be swimsuits, and this is limited to activities where getting wet is inevitable. If this privilege is abused, it will be revoked. Caution is advised in considering pushing me on this, it is very hot this week, and you will lose.

3. I am deadly serious. And while we’re at it, please immediately and permanently stop the incessant whining. Please.


Monday, July 18th, 2005


I keep sitting down to post, and each time I do I get distracted by an email, or something on Google News and then I finish up with that and forget all about posting. Seriously, it’s happened all day so far.

Nate finished reading the Half Blood Prince to me last night at about 1am. So we slept in this morning. I didn’t do any knitting. So I guess it must be that my WIP’s are boring me. When book 5 came out, I spent the whole time knitting my red Feather and Fan shawl, and really enjoyed that. (I don’t think I could have survived Umbridge if I didn’t have something else to do. She was horrible). The funny thing is that yesterday afternoon, Veronica went and got her Kimono and put it in my lap, saying, “Mom, can you work on this now?” It was hilarious. Even then I could only knit one row.

Today is a gorgeous day. Maybe that’s it? Maybe it’s the fab weather and the summer vacation that’s throwing me off?

Now I’m going to change and get my exercise in. I have yet more laundry to do. I spent the whole of last week on laundry, and never got completely caught up. Today is the “official” laundry day, so I’m hoping that if I stay on course today, I won’t have to think about laundry again until next week.

UPDATE– Oh, sorry, book 6 is completely cool. Loved it!

Saturday, July 16th, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 6

We’re taking a quick break from reading Harry Potter 6 to post, eat, and attend to the children. So I’ll be brief…

Basically, I did treadmill twice, physical therapy three times, and weights once this week. I’m having such a hard time being consistent. I am fluctuating with my diet as well. Sometimes it’s great, sometimes it’s awful. I’m gaining weight, argh, and I’m always hungry. To answer the next, inevitable question,

No, I am not pregnant. That seems to be a favorite question among my friends! So, as usual, I’m going to try to do better next week.

I do feel frustrated at the weight gain. I don’t think it’s warranted. Gotta do better.

Thursday, July 14th, 2005

Still nothing

I sat and talked with Gayle for hours yesterday, and didn’t pick up my knitting once! What’s wrong with me? This is very strange. I did think about new projects, so I’m not totally lost. I’m sure part of it is that I’ve been working on the house/laundry/feeding of the monkeys/trying to give the kids a summer vacation so hard all week that it was nice to just sit and do nothing for an afternoon. Maybe this summer vacation thing is harder than I thought. They never stop asking me to feed/entertain them. They fight. They whine. They hurt themselves, more than I would have imagined possible. They are always needing SOMETHING from ME! It’s tiring.

I’m kind of obsessed with the prospect of redoing my bedroom. I’ll keep the furniture, but I want to renovate everything else. The paint on the walls, the bedding, curtains, lamps, move the art around, etc. Right now, it’s all denim blues and whites. Very mellow. I’m ready for some spice. I want color! And I’m contemplating making most of it myself. Big surprise. I think about it all the time, but haven’t quite settled on anything yet.

Do we have any Cable-Eights? I haven’t received any emails. I’m probably going to kill the Hayden-along soon, so if you’re lolly-gagging on that one, be warned.

I don’t have any knitting to show you, but to keep things interesting, I can show you this


Yup, that’s my man.

Wednesday, July 13th, 2005

I have tomatoes!


FINALLY! I started my tomato season late, so I’m hoping they’ll ripen in time, but I’ve got babies! This is my Roma tomato plant. It’s in a very big pot on the deck and Abner has been grazing on it. My Cherry Tomato plant is in a smaller pot on the picnic table, and it looks luscious. No tomatoes yet though. That little Roma you see is less than half the size of my pinky finger.

And, look what I found!


They’re good, but they’re $2 for a 6 oz bag. As opposed to Stacy’s at Costco (when they feel like carrying them) that are $5 for an 18 oz bag. But, there was a need, so I indulged. I bought 2.

I went to my spine doctor yesterday (car accident crap never ends), so I got in some knitting time. My doctor calls me “his knitter”. He commented last time that he never sees me with the same project twice. Quite frankly, I’m amazed he noticed. He’s pretty gruff, and while he can turn the charm on and off faster than Tom Cruise, he frequently doesn’t do so at the appropriate time. I’m guessing he didn’t make it to class the day they discussed bedside manner.


It really doesn’t matter how many blasted rows I knit, I still have just UNDER 7 inches.

Tuesday, July 12th, 2005

Help for Hayden?

Once again, we need your help. You all have proved very helpful in the past, so I will continue to turn to you when in a jam. Fortunately for me, it is not my jam this time. My dear, sweet and adorable friend Hayden is in a pickle. She is trying desperately to finish her Weasley Sweater in time for the release of Book 6. (Now would not be a good time to laugh and snort, she’s in trouble. Rally ’round). The poor thing has run out of yarn. She is using that “kit” bought and shipped from the UK, and she’s making it in the maroon color. Does anyone happen to either know where she can get more, or have any left over that you wouldn’t mind sporting her way?

Nothing exciting going on here. Yesterday was spent amidst mountains of laundry, and unfortunately, it looks to continue today. I haven’t been knitting. I haven’t been inspired. Maybe I need to find something new to excite? Any suggestions? I should probably do as Jessica did, and show you my stash to more effectively ask you to pick a project for me, but that would take way too much effort.

I made hummus again yesterday. This is my fourth batch. I love the stuff, but I can’t seem to find those yummy pita chips ANYWHERE! It’s making me crazy. I drug 3 young kids into Costco on Monday to find a pair of shoes and pita chips. They had neither. Those of you who have children and know the store of which I speak may now pity me….

No, keep going. I deserve more than that.

Right. I wanted to cry.

I can find their wretched SOY chips lot of places, but not the pitas. So for now, I will continue to eat my yummy hummus on celery sticks which, while not quite pita chips, are still very good.

Monday, July 11th, 2005

New Balance

I got new walking shoes! I’m very excited, and in my excitement, took the dog for a 2 mile walk last night at dusk and watched the bats. I love watching bats, and there are a lot of them on the other side of the neighborhood. Why they don’t like MY side of the neighborhood, I haven’t a clue.

Also, last night we played Twister.



You can bet I’m not telling my doctor, or my PT. They’ll only lecture me. However I find it a very good sign that it didn’t hurt! Hmmmm. Maybe I will tell them!

Sunday, July 10th, 2005

The Shoalwater is done!


Yay! It’s really pretty, although after wearing it nearly constantly for the last three days, I’m wondering if I’ll keep it or re-use the yarn at some point. It isn’t as big as I expected. I had imagined being able to wrap myself up in it, and that isn’t the case. Plus, although I don’t have much personal experience with triangular shawls, I’m thinking it would be much better if it had some of the shoulder shaping I’ve been told is in this book. (In fact, if anyone HAS that book, and would like to trade me for something… or sell it used, I’m interested). It is really hard to keep on my shoulders. Maybe it would be different in a thinner yarn?


It is a lovely shawl. The colors are stunning, and I love the wavy stripes… It’s funny, I wore it to church yesterday and didn’t get many comments. They’re so used to me by now, I don’t think I can surprise anyone anymore.

In other news, I’m looking into canine agility. My dog is spastic. We need to either put him to work somehow, or find him a new home. I was willing to give up last week, but didn’t feel right about it, so I’m looking for something to do with him. Although I know nothing about it, agility has always interested me. This means I’m off to buy books again. You know, I always thought I hated reading. I’m finding out that isn’t the case, I just hate reading novels. But I LOVE books. I read “how-to” books both for information, and for entertainment. Nate is an avid novel reader, so we’re busting at the seams with books, constantly trying to find room for more bookshelves. There are worse things.