Monday, March 6th, 2006

Whipping along


Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.

It’s nice, no? I’m quite pleased with myself.

And here’s why I’m glad the “S” part is over, and I’m back to just blue.


Bobbins suck. I was up to 10 at one point. I actually fair-isled the small little yellow bit at the top right of the “S” because I couldn’t bear to divide up the red again, making one more double strand of yarn to tangle up with everything else.

So I have 5-6 inches of blue left to knit, then I’ll pick up stitches along each side to knit an inch of 1×1 ribbing. Then I’ll find some good fabric to line it with, and will start begging people I know to line it for me, since I have no desire, whatsoever, to do it myself.

I’m ready to start on his blue koigu hat.

I’m sick as a dog. I feel rotten. Aside from the sinus infection that’s moving down my windpipe and into my chest, my stomach is taking the term “discomfort” to new levels. I can’t eat or drink hardly a thing. It feels like my stomach is capped off, and anything I try to put into it just sits at the base of my esophagus and burns me.

I’m dehydrated.

I’m tired. (Too uncomfortable to sleep, or even lie down, because everything gets worse when horizontal, even semi-propped up. Although I did manage some hours of sleep last night. But there’s no chance of day-napping).

I’m hungry. Nothing sounds good. Everything hurts. Now even Gatorade, my saving grace, upsets my stomach.

Blah, blah, blah. Even I’m sick of hearing me complain.

My next doctor appt is Wednesday. Since I’m doing the acid medicine twice a day like I’m supposed to, maybe he’ll have something else for me to try.