Sat Aug 20, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 11

Hi everyone! It’s a good day. I wasn’t able to do more than eat well this past week. And walk up the hill to the cabin a couple times. But I am still a few pounds down from the high I hit in the last couple months. I intend to do weights and physical therapy today, and have high hopes for next week.

How was your week?

6 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 11”

  1. Dani Says:

    I continued to walk on my AM and PM breaks at work (20 minutes a day). I did my WW weigh-in on Thursday and I lost four pounds! I’ve been very diligent in counting my points and writing down EVERYTHING that I eat and drink. That’s a big hurdle for me because I tend to cheat when I keep a food journal and underestimate my servings. I know that’s stupid because I’m the only one looking at the journal, but I still tend to do it.

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    My week was crazy, but I somehow managed to drop a few pounds. I’m at a total loss. Er, I mean a total loss of 34.5 pounds.
    I can drive again, and really wanted to go to Yakima Fruit Market and to the grocery store to buy some really healthy stuff. Instead, I ended up at some tiny Safeway, when I wasn’t going home right away & couldn’t get anything that required refrigeration or freezing (82 degrees outside) needing tampons. I didn’t want to walk around the store holding a box of Playtex, so I grabbed some chips & candy that were nearby. (Isn’t that marketing?) While trying to find their deli for a salad or at least a sandwich. They didn’t have one. Some lunch, huh? (whine, whine)
    But I am starting to list clothes I have outshrunk on ebay; I almost can’t believe it.

  3. FYRKRKR Says:

    I left something out, sorry – I have stress fracture in my left foot and can’t treadmill. I think I can bike, but again, the doc doesn’t wan’t me walking (no bouncing). I’m doing the pool still, but not on my left foot. I am hoping to do more bike riding and I want to go back to Curves, so I need to figure out what I can do on their little squares between machines. Any ideas?

    I started PT on my shoulder; an old dog owner injury (ball throwing) and it’s sore today, but I think it’ll get well soon! My PT guy specializes in shoulders and I’m excited to finally get it fixed!

  4. Elspeth Says:

    Man, you guys are depressing me! However congratulations on your losses! I did pretty good today, doing as much walking as I could including dusting off my treadmill. Of course I can’t take all of the credit, after I walked 1 mile to the grocery store they were out of the chocolate muffins that are my downfall!

    Have a great week!

  5. Jenny Says:

    I am off of my plateau this week. I dropped another three pounds for a total of 34. I went to a baby shower today, and boy did I plan to have some cake!….I had one piece of fried chicken, but didn’t feel the urge for any thing else, so maybe the damage isn’t too bad!! The same old ‘nobody noticed the change in me’ at the shower.Oh well. I did finally ask my husband this week why he has not said anything about my weight loss, and he claims he didn’t notice I gained the weight to begin with. Uh, I don’t buy that. I clearly remember him telling me that he could always tell when I gained or lost 5 pounds. But now apparently he is talking at work about my weight loss, and now the secretary wants to take a look at my diet book.

  6. Laura Says:

    Wow, good job guys! I need to kick my butt so I can start keeping up with you!

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