Wed Jun 30, 2004

Ahh HA! I have a disclaimer!

Remember my assumption and promise last Thursday that I had everything I would need to complete the backpacks? Well, I now invite you to read, (or re-read) my convenient loophole:

“…barring some unforseen circumstance, or necessary design element that would give me every legal, moral, and ethical right to change my mind.”

Yeah, um, I didn’t get very far on the backpack yesterday. I need to go to the craft store. The reason? It has to do with the long, drawn out and boring explanation of why the flap isn’t going to be as easy as I originally thought. Well, the flap will be fine, it’s the bag I’m going to need to alter. I get to research the many types, tools, and uses of grommets. I’ve never used grommets. I know NOTHING about them. I do have experience with felted yarn-overs, and officially declare them unpredictable and malicious. (While I’m at the craft store, I’m going to have a little looksy at some buckles.)

Before it all came crashing down yesterday, Olivia had some great fun knitting on her backpack.

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I’ve been working on the doll. I really like it. The body is completed, and I am now working on clothing. Since she is naked, and looks pretty funky that way, I’ve taken some head shots…



Yes, I went nuts with her hair. I think she looks pouty. It’s cute. I might change her eyes a bit, if her apparent perplexity begins to get on my nerves, but so far, I like her as she is. My girls can’t get enough of her, so I’m going to have to make three more right away. This one is mine.

Postscript- A couple years ago, my sweet sister-in-law gave me three skeins of Red Heart, in some very beautiful colors, for my birthday. I accepted them graciously, and decided that I needed to find a good, worsted weight doll pattern that would enable me to use acrylic gift yarn, and leftover project yarn to create cool dolls. I really like the idea of dolls that are crazy colors. There are some fabulous yarn colors out there, why limit myself? The doll I am working on now is knit with some of that birthday yarn. Her body is a nice, muted blue, and her hair is a stunning plum color. I started making a dress for her out of the accompanying gray, but I now think that the clothing should be made from something softer. Fortunately, I have a wealth of gorgeous, bright Lamb’s Pride at my feet right now, (for the backpacks), so I’m outfitting her with some of that. I have knit with the Lamb’s Pride many times this year, and I still LOVE it. It is gorgeous, and feels fabulous.

4 Responses to “Ahh HA! I have a disclaimer!”

  1. monica Says:

    Your daughter is so cute! I LOVE the colors that you’re using for the doll and the hairstyle is just so stylin’!

  2. yvette campbell Says:

    So cool, both your doll and your daughter knitting, can’t wait to see the dolls dress!

  3. susan in pa Says:

    What a cool doll! Love the coloring! What a perfect use for that acrylic. The hair is just too fun! My girls would be clamoring for one too!

  4. alison Says:

    Yay for pictures!! I love the hair. You’ll have to give me some styling tips before I make mine. ;0)

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