Tue Apr 11, 2006

All’s quiet on the homefront

Nate took the girls to the Seattle Aquarium this afternoon. I pulled Clark’s cradle, the boppy, and a chair to nurse in out onto the front porch so I could stare at the yard and try to figure out how to fix it.

It’s really ugly.

I also snuck some pruning and very light weeding in. It felt good to be outside, and I would be there still if it were a bit warmer.

6 Responses to “All’s quiet on the homefront”

  1. kathy Says:

    Ah Spring! I spent 30 minutes in the backyard in a tank top knitting a hat-til i realized i don’t know how to add-28 inches around for a 22 inch head! Oops;) RRRRRIP!

  2. susan Says:

    Yay, the aquarium! I haven’t been in a few months and I think it’s high time for a return trip. 🙂

    For the yard, you could go to the library and look at Sunset magazines — so pretty. They make me wish I had a yard.

  3. Karma Says:

    It has been nice out the last couple of days, hasn’t it? Kind of like a teasing preview of nicer, warmer weather to come. I’m glad you got outside with Clark for a change of scenery!! 🙂

  4. minxxy Says:

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby son
    He is so handsome.

  5. Amy Says:

    Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful boy. You are indeed a very lucky woman.

    Why don’t you take a couple of pictures of the yard? Maybe your readers will have some helpful suggestions.

  6. Cerise Says:

    Look! Look! It’s pretty outside today! Wow. This morning looked pretty unpromising, and now it’s gorgeous.

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