Archive for the ‘Health Group’ Category

Saturday, January 24th, 2009

Health Group- Year 5, week 33

I’m writing this Friday, as I’ll be out all day today. So I don’t have an accurate weight or measurement. While I haven’t measured myself since last Saturday, I have gained a pound or two. I’m still making my calorie targets, or coming in under. I did an hour of elliptical Tuesday-Friday, and worked out for 30 minutes on Monday and Wednesday with my sister-in-law, Kirstin.

This week was harder for me, and I’ve noticed a trend. I can do just about anything for 2 weeks. It’s always the third week that proves my undoing. But I persevered. Hopefully, next week will be easier, but regardless, I DID it! I’ve had three good weeks in a row.

Hopefully, I’ll start losing weight at some point.

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Health Group- Year 5, week 32

Hey all. I didn’t lose any weight this week, however I’m down 2 inches in my waist and 1 inch in my hips. From two weeks ago, I’m down an inch in my thigh, an inch in my chest, and 2 inches in each of my waist and hips.

I’ve been kicking butt. Last night I hoarfed at Red Robin, so I’m sure I had too many calories… but other than that, I’ve exercised hard on the elliptical an hour a day, (40 minutes on Monday because I’d just been sick, but I’ll make up that 20 minutes +, today) I’ve net about 1200 calories a day, and I’ve been drinking a lot of water. I’m trying to eat sufficient protein, but I’m guessing I still need to get more.

My appetite is down for the most part.

On the elliptical, my settings were wrong, so I wasn’t really burning 600 calories an hour. It’s more like 480-500. So I raised my resistance level to 5 for most of the week to compensate, and just pushed it up to 6 yesterday. I’m now getting around 520. But I have to really watch my heart rate, because it’s so easy to go over. I figure, if I keep my speed slower and just increase the resistance to raise difficulty, it’ll be better for building up my gluts, quads and core. Arms, too when I use them to push the handles. And it’s easy to focus on different muscles based on my position on the pedals.

I’m still very much in love with my elliptical.

So, I’m a little smaller, my resting heart rate is down around 56, my skin has cleared up a lot and I think it looks a smidge thinner, too.

How was your week?

Saturday, January 10th, 2009

Health Group- Year 5, week 31

I’m so sick. I’ve been caring for kids with a stomach bug since Tuesday, and it finally got me. I have serious tummy cramps, back pain, a headache, and no energy at all. I can’t even sit up unsupported.

I want to die.

BUT, I’ve been looking forward to posting Health Group, so here I am.

I’m kind of stuck between two philosophies. My sister says to eat as little as possible and exercise as much as possible. It’s worked great for her, she feels good and has dropped a lot of weight. Calorie King says to eat 1550 calories per day plus whatever I burn exercising. My nurse practitioner sister-in-law that works in a medical weight loss clinic says to make sure I’m netting at least 1200-1500 calories per day. I’m glad Nate read the email too, because I didn’t pick up on the “netting” part. He brought it up.

An hour of elliptical according to both my elliptical and Calorie King burns 600 calories. I’ve been netting around 1000-1100 calories all week. I did an hour of elliptical on Tuesday, 2 hours on Wednesday (one in the morning, one in the evening), an hour each on Thursday and Friday.

So I’ve burned 3000 calories in exercise this week! Woo-hoo. I WOULD be on it again today, but with this flu, there’s no way. I’m lucky I got yesterday in.

Let me sing the praises of the elliptical for a bit. I’ve probably already done that here, but I’m not over it yet. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It’s no impact, so my ankle, knee, and hip are fine, unlike on the treadmill. It burns twice as many calories as I’m able to on the treadmill. I have to be careful not to overdo it on the elliptical. It’s easy to. I’m getting into a rhythm finally, but at first I really had to keep track of my heartrate because I was working too hard without feeling it ’til I’d suddenly get really dizzy.

On my Octane, I’m working on Level 4 at a speed of 35-40. It claims I’m traveling 7 miles in an hour (I have a hard time believing that). I tried to bump it up to Level 5 (there are 20 levels of resistance) but that bothered my knee a little bit, and I really don’t want to injure myself.

So, I’ve lost 4 pounds since Wednesday. It’s possible that being sick has contributed, but really, I just got sick late last night, I haven’t lost any fluids, and I haven’t missed a meal yet, so I really don’t think that’s it.

I’m making sure to get my vitamins, fish oil, and glucosamine daily, and I’m trying to make sure I get enough protein (that’s really hard if you don’t like eating meat every meal. Even WITH the protein powder). I’m drinking a ton of water to flush stuff out. So I’m trying to be healthy and not stupid.

Still 4 pounds in 3 days is a LOT. We’ll see how it goes. I feel optimistic.

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009

Health Group- Year 5, week 30

We sort of (well, totally) skipped 4 weeks of Health Group. But, it’s January now! It’s cliche time for fitness goals. And here we are! Woo hoo!

I worked out on my elliptical 3 times this past week. Twice for an hour and once for 45 minutes because I was squeezing it into a busy day. I love that thing. I’m very excited about it, and it’s going to be great!

How ’bout you? Any goals? Ready to conquer?

A few years ago my friend Katie and I were shooting for 50 pounds lost in a year. I don’t remember if it was Katie or Nate who suggested that when we lose 50 pounds, we can go on a cruise. I neither lost it nor cruised, but that could be a fun thing to shoot for again.

I feel really good about it. I think I can get into shape and be healthy this year. Why not? My body is aching and paining in random places and it makes me feel old. I’m gonna kick it in the butt.

How’s that for cliche January speak? I’m game. Anyone else?

Saturday, November 29th, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week 25

Good morning. I hope those of you that celebrate such had a wonderful holiday. We certainly did. The food was fantastic. On the down side, I really hurt my back lifting two 23 pound turkeys in and out of the oven. I’m unable to do most anything. Fortunately, I am now able to walk. By the end of Thursday, I couldn’t.

I’m going out of my mind with annoyance, because with Thanksgiving preparations over and done, I’m SO ready to start using my elliptical in earnest, and am anxious to begin my sister’s ab workouts. Core strength would have prevented my back from going out in the first place, so I feel like someone dying for pie that is standing outside of a locked bakery with mouth watering window displays, 5 minutes after they close.

SO close. Can’t have it.

However, I am most decidedly NOT dying for lack of pie.

Mmmm, leftovers.

Please, please let my back heal soon.

Saturday, November 22nd, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week 24

I’m posting right now because I just ate a handful of Jordan Almonds and I needed to get away from them by distracting myself with something else. Other than that, I’ve been doing really well with the sugar thing. I haven’t had as much time to exercise this week as I’d hoped, but considering my housecleaning crisis, I’m ok with that too.

Less than a week to go ’til Thanksgiving. I’m going to try to continue curbing the sugar after Thanksgiving, but really, one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is having pumpkin pie for breakfast the several days following.

I’m glad to have the elliptical. I’ll have some pie to work off by this time next week.

My sister, who is an angel, recorded 7 little computer videos of herself doing various core/upper body/ab exercises that gave her a 4 pack a few months ago. They look really good and a whole lot more pleasant that hundreds of crunches. So I’m excited about those. Keeping my core strong is absolutely essential in keeping my back functional, and I could use the help.

I had to promise her that I wouldn’t post them on the internet before she’d send them over. Sorry.

And that’s it for me, so I’m going back to resisting the Jordan Almonds.


Saturday, November 15th, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week 23

Well, here we are a couple weeks into our sugar purge. How are you doing? It’s been pretty good for me. I’d say I feel better. More energy. Cravings aren’t too bad, and I’ve lost a couple pounds. I exercised a few times.

Yesterday, I squeezed myself into a cute pair of jeans that were a smidge too small when I bought them a few weeks ago. It’s interesting to see how many things I HAVEN’T eaten that I would’ve. That’s a lot of calories when you add them up.

Something else interesting, I knew that getting a really good breakfast was imperative to success when beginning this sugar fast, and for the first week + it really was. Now my appetite has severely decreased, so I’m finding I’m not eating breakfast ’til almost lunch time the past few days with no ill effects. I’m not sure that’s a good thing as far as breakfast goes, but it’s been interesting. I’m not snacking at all and my portion sizes are frequently smaller.

And the exciting news? I bought the elliptical, the one I’ve wanted for years, off craigslist yesterday. I’ve seen them on craigslist a lot, but they’re usually not much below retail. This one was amazingly cheap and I did everything I could to get down there and put cash in their hands before someone else bought it.

I’m thrilled. I love this machine. We’re trying to make arrangements to pick it up today. I seriously can’t even express how happy I am.

Well, my wedding ring is still gone, but aside from that, I’m extremely happy today.

Saturday, November 8th, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week 22

Hey all. It’s a gloriously dark and wet fall day here in the Pacific Northwest. For some reason, I’m feeling chipper though my ring is not found.

I had a pretty good week. I did a few of my core strengthening exercises once, and I am extremely weak. That’s probably why I keep hurting my back, which happened again this week. So I’m going to focus on that.

I’ve done great with the “no sugar” thing this week. It hasn’t even been hard. I call that prayers answered, no question. I’ve been drinking a lot of water like I’m supposed to, and I’ve been making a considerable effort to get a healthy breakfast. Usually, I have two fried eggs on one piece of wheat toast with a smidge of butter. It holds me well ’til lunch. I had a breakfast shake twice this week for breakfast, but that has more sugar in it with the soymilk and yogurt, so I’m trying to minimize those.

The only hard thing has been that with the change in seasons and weather, I’m dying for some apple crisp. But I’m resisting.

How was your week?

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week 21

Hey all. So, once Nate’s birthday is over tomorrow I’m going to boycott sugar ’til Thanksgiving on November 27, which is just about 4 weeks. I’ve done it before, but I have much less confidence in myself now than I did in the past. I’m going to do my best.

Anyone else?

It’s difficult at first, but gets easier quickly. The key is to drink a lot of water to flush out the detox, and to make sure you’re feeding yourself good food so you don’t get too hungry or low in blood sugar. I always feel so good when I do this. I have so much energy.

Happiest of birthdays, my dear husband. I adore you.