Saturday, March 12th, 2005

Health Group- week 39

Good morning! How are you doing out there? I’m not up to where I want to be, but I feel I’m making little improvements.

Tuesday- I did physical therapy, and I was going to do the treadmill, but my hip was really hurting (weird) so I didn’t
Wednesday- I didn’t exercise because I was going to a belly dancing open house at night, and I figured I’d get it in then. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to DO any belly dancing, so Wednesday was a bust.
Thursday- physical therapy and 50 minutes of treadmill! Woo-hoo!
Friday- physical therapy

Today, I am confident I’ll get my exercise in. So, another so-so week, but I did something, and I’m eating better.

Let’s hear some progress… Who had a great week?

UPDATE- I did it. I took the dog for a 2 mile walk on this beautiful sunny day. Later, I may do some weights. Have a good one!