Saturday, March 26th, 2005

Health Group- week 41

The good news is, I lost 4.5 pounds this week! The bad news is that it’s entirely due to dehydration and lack of food. I am so sick, I want to die. I’ve had a fever for three days, every single bit of me hurts…. and this week started out SO well.

Monday, I did PT and 50 minutes of treadmill.
Tuesday and Wednesday I did the same.
Thursday, Friday, and today, I’m just trying to survive.

This week, I had decided to cut out sugar. I’ve been unable to cut sugar and all other refined carbs, so I thought I’d start with sugar. I’ve done really well. I felt better the first part of the week. I am thinking it is something I’m going to continue.

That’s it. I’m beat. Talk amongst yourselves in the comments. I’ve gotta go.