Monday, March 28th, 2005

I’ve got nuthin’

I don’t have anything interesting to say today. Usually, when I face this situation, I start a post saying as much and suddenly, stuff starts coming out as if my fingers are connected to a different, much more intriguing brain than mine. Not today. Today, I am dull.

On the plus side, I’ve lost another couple of pounds due to illness (I’m not throwing up, I just can’t eat), and upon wondering if “that kind” of weight loss would affect the fit of my pants, I happily discovered that it does. I know it’s only temporary, but still, losing 6 pounds in a week and having loose pants is kind of fun, regardless of how it occurred. I hope that losing 6 real pounds will make that kind of difference, but I somehow doubt it. These pants are really loose.

The girls still have fevers. I’m too tired to knit. My IME is today, and after it’s over, I intend to stay in bed for the rest of the week. Getting up for my attorney meeting yesterday was almost more than I could bear, and today will be much, much worse. More time out of bed, more stress. I need sleep.